Founded in 2001, the Centre de recherche en science politique (CReSPo) has expanded and diversified its areas of research since its inception, with the arrival of new researchers and the securing of new sources of funding from the FNRS, among others.
Initially specialized in the analysis of public action, CReSPo is now recognized for the quality of its work in various fields:
- Public Action and Democracy
- Social Policy and Social Law
- Political Communities, Identities and Borders
- The role of the state in post-conflict situations
- International negotiations and environmental policies
- Gender and politics

CReSPo Seminars
The CReSPo Seminar provides an informal and friendly meeting space throughout the year, allowing for the presentation of work-in-progress articles, books, methodological questions, and interactions with members of civil society.

Youth – Earth
FRS-FNRS funding – PDR
The project will develop a comparative and empirically grounded perspective backed by innovative mixed methods, producing among others a comprehensive database of all youth actors in three global environmental politics priority domains.


The “European Union and Global Green Politics: the Anthropocene Challenge” (EUGlobalGreen) Jean Monnet Chair will be a novel and intensive programme that aims to foster both new teaching and excellence in research to precisely answer this timely question, mobilizing EU studies for global governance achievements.

Délibérations collectives (USG)
Ancré en science politique, le projet de recherche porte sur la délibération collective des projets d’implantation d‘équipements de grande taille présentés comme d’intérêt collectif même si d’initiative privée. Il prend pour cas d’étude l’actuel projet de construction d’un nouveau stade de football pour l’Union Saint-Gilloise.

Law and civilization

This contact group brings together scholars from various disciplines (law, sociology, anthropology, history and political science) in order to open a discussion around the articulation between law, legal orders and rights, on the one hand, and “civilization”, on the other.

Enquête sur la transmission précoce des appartenances au sein de la famille
This collective study on young children’s socialization to nationalism study follows Michael Billig’s thesis on banal nationalism and is also inspired by Norbert Elias’s historical sociology on the long-lasting of national habitus.

Financement ARC
AutonomiCap (« L’autonomie à l’épreuve du handicap, le handicap à l’épreuve de l’autonomie »), bénéficie d’un financement ARC (action-recherche-concertée) (2019-2024). La problématique centrale de ce projet consiste à analyser, par le biais d’une approche interdisciplinaire, de quelles manières la montée en puissance des références à l’autonomie transforme les objectifs et les modalités des politiques publiques à l’égard des personnes en situation de handicap.

WIRE series
Amandine Orsini has co-created and jointly organized a series of Workshops on International Relations, known as the “WIRE” series.