[Forum] Orsini, Amandine, Kang, Yi hyun, Ampomah, Emmanuel, Cooper, Adam, Gomez-Mera, Laura, Gran, Brian, Holzscheiter, Anna, Salva, Roberto, Vergonjeanne, Anaëlle. 2024. Youth as Boundary Actors in International Studies. International Studies Perspectives.
[Special issue introduction] Estève, Adrien, Klöck, Carola and Amandine Orsini. 2024/2022. Retour sur la gouvernance environnementale internationale dans l’agenda politique et la recherche académique. Études internationales, 53(3), 325–349.
[Research article] Gaborit, Maxime, Orsini, Amandine and Yi hyun Kang. 2024/2022. Les jeunes dans les négociations climatiques internationales entre marginalisation et contestation : le cas de la COP26. Études internationales, 53(3), 405–432.
[Working paper] Orsini, Amandine. European Youth at COP15: Unmuting Global Youth Concerns for Biodiversity? EUNMUTE Working Paper. September 2023.
[Book chapter] Kang, Yi hyun and Orsini, Amandine. A multi-level analysis of youth climate activism in South Korea. In V. Frangville, T. Kellner, and F. Ponjaert (Eds.) National Identity and Millennials in Northeast Asia: Power and Contestations in the Digital Age (Pp. 107-129). Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003390343-9 (2023)
[Research article] Orsini, Amandine, Kang, Yi hyun. European Leadership and European Youth in the Climate Change Regime Complex. Politics and Governance, Vol. 11, no.2, p. 84-96 (2023).
[Interview] Kang, Yi hyun. Interview for news article ‘At the kids’ table: What youth can do for the energy transition‘, Energy Monitor, 7 February 2023.
[Interview] Orsini, Amandine. Faire face aux crises, Propos recueillis par Lauret Testot, Le Monde en 2050, Grands Dossiers, N° 69 – Décembre 2022 – Janvier/Février 2023.
[Short video] Orsini Amandine. Participation to short video by Stéphanie Hoffmann. Do International Organizations contribute to the global order. December 2022.
[Interview] Orsini, Amandine. Regard sur les négociations internationales d’environnement, BePolitix, November 2022.
[Research article] Orsini, Amandine. 2022. Youth Goals? Youth Agency and the Sustainable Development Goals. Youth and Globalization. 4: 108–139.
[Report] “유럽 미래세대의 환경정치 참여 현황과 과제 (in Korean)” (The current status of European youth’s participation in environmental politics and their challenges), by Yi hyun Kang, Future generations’ participation for green transition, Korea Environment Institute, 12 December 2021, online.
[Podcast] Orsini, Amandine. Contribution au Podcast sur l’agenda environnemental global 2021, 20 minutes pour comprendre.
[Interview] Orsini, Amandine. Interview on Twitch for the Tenet Project (Manfredi Valeriani), 17 November 2021, sulla COP26 (in Italian)
[Blog article] Youth at the HLPF: Facing the Ongoing Challenge of Meaningful Participation”, by Amandine Orsini and Yi hyun Kang, IISD SDG knowledge hub commentary, 20/09/2021.
* For presentations, see events.