The Current State of Sustainable Development Goals Implementation

Yi hyun Kang earned her PhD from the Technical University of Munich and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Lund University (Sweden). Her research focuses on the political decision-making processes related to climate change and biodiversity across different governance levels. Yi hyun will be a guest lecturer in the course "International Organizations," where she will […]

[Séminaire] La religion et la laïcité à l’agenda gouvernemental? Une étude exploratoire sur la période 2000-2020

La législation en matière de religion et de laïcité constitue un domaine intéressant, quoique négligé, de l’étude comparée de la dynamique politique au sein des régimes démocratiques. Quelles données d’ensemble peut-on dégager sur une période relativement récente ? Quels facteurs jouent-ils sur la probabilité de voir porter ces enjeux à l’agenda gouvernemental ?­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Date à […]

[Pollen Module 2025] EU Environmental Policies & Law (POLLEN)

Préfecture - P61 Rue du Marais 119, Bruxelles, Belgique

Registration form 2025 Folder The POLLEN Module is organized by the Institute for European Studies (IES) in partnership with the Research Centre in Political Science (CReSPo) at UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles, Belgium. In 2016, the European Commission selected this programme as a Jean Monnet Module (2016-2019). The POLLEN Module aims to promote excellence in teaching EU […]

[Séminaire] avec Alon Helled

Préfecture - P61 Rue du Marais 119, Bruxelles, Belgique

A compléter. Présentation du livre de Alon Helled.

Governance of Biodiversity in Europe: The Case of Natura 2000

Camille Rivière holds a PhD in sociology from the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at ENGIE Lab Crigen (France). As part of the EUGlobalGreen Speaker Series, she will present her doctoral research on Natura 2000, the European Union's flagship policy for biodiversity conservation. This lecture […]