- September 19, 2022
Law and (De-)civilization: HSR Special issue – Authors’ Workshop
Programme - December 9, 2021
Mikael R. Madsen (University of Copenhagen)
Law and DE-civilization: The Gentle Civilizer of Europe: Human Rights and the Transformation of Contemporary Europe - November 24, 2021
Aurélie Lacassagne (Visiting professor at Université d’Ottawa/CReSPo associated researcher)
Law and De-civilization: Un processus de décivilisation par le droit: La politique du Canada envers les peuples autochtones
Discutante : Anne Lagerwall, professeure de droit international à l’ULB et directrice du Centre de droit international - October 7, 2021
Marta Bucholc (Warsaw/Bonn /CReSPo associated researcher)
Law and De-Civilisation: An Outline of the Research Field - October 29, 2020
Launch meeting of the Contact Group Law and Civilization - October 29, 2020
Panel “Law and constitutions in the European civilizing process(es)”, Political Sociology Research Network 32 of the European Sociological Association.
Programme - December 4-5, 2019
Workshop international « Law and constitutions in the (de)civilization processes »